Monday, October 16, 2006

Roasted Pork and The Old Testament

Well folks... Its been couple months (or more?) since I entered a blog entry. I guess for many reasons it has slipped into the background of noise we call life. Anyhow, I felt it time for another entry, and for no particular reason. I'd like to comment on a couple random things:

- I discovered that my choice for a bioinformatics server where I work (which I did my own research for, and choice of OS was one which had not previously been installed on that particular server that ypI could find) is the same setup used for the newest cluster of the wikipedia servers (sun's V20z as well as V40z running fedora core 3). I guess that made me feel like maybe, in spite of my relative inexperience I actually know a few things (oh, yeah, and the uputime is a week away from 300 days of number crunching).

- Colorado got a bit of columbine deja vu, and for some reason we are all surprised. I have one comment: as long as we continue to treat highschool students like prisoners, they will use violence to escape their fate in our misguided society. I know I would.

- I am learning that all the hyp about dual core processors... is the real deal. I now feel like wading through tidal mud in ketchican tennis shoes trying to do anything on my single pentium4.

- Whats up with North Korea? I guess we had to wait untill they actually set off a FUCKING NUCLEAR BOMB before we began "seeking sanctions". Of course, If they had anything more valuable than a hallariously cartoon-esque president (like oil) maybe we'd be over there getting our ass kicked--Again.

- I am still trying to get ANY of my orchids to bloom by the time I... uh, I don't know, die? I actually got one to bloom when I moved accross town months ago, otherwise I appear really good at growing them really big, and then bigger, but flowering is apparently out of the question (maybe its a sign that I can't get a stupid african violet to bloom either, in spite of its phenomenally healthy appearance).

- So while I'm on the nerd train a bit here, I should comment on the fact that one of our "trusty windows XP" computers attached to some critical lab equipment just gave-up the ghost with a brilliant blue-screen-of-death. I suppose this should not have been surprising as the thing has had probably a dozen different mediocre 3rd party applications installed on it (fairly common for lab-equipment interfaces to be sketchy at best with regards to stability). I remember an IT guy I knew back at the University of Washington telling me once that installing applications on a windows computer is like feeding it shots of tequilla, its just a matter of time before it barfs.

- And finally, I wanted tok describe what I consider to be one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen on tv. I was watching this show on the discovery channel thats basicaly this guy who goes around and does "dirty jobs" (I think this is the title of the show) such as coal shoveling, bathroom cleaning, etc. Anyhow, one job was dog grooming. They showed the expression of a dogs anal glands and the excision of trailers (or dingleberries depending on what part of the country your from). Then they showed the actual trimming with clippers, and BLURRED OUT THE DOG'S PENIS. Ok, so I understand why they would blur out a streaker's wiener as he runs accross yankee stadium durring a nationally televised game, but since when has it become the moral responsibility of TV networks to shield us all from the vulgar image of a Dog Dick? Ok, look, its not like I go around hoping to catch a glimps of canine johsons, but this "softening" of the cable content (which I PAY FOR) I feel is adding to our puritanesq view of morality and social responsibility. I invite you all to go rent some porn on your way back from the strip club, and don't forget to pick up a bottle of scotch and dental floss to get the pubic hairs from your teeth before you go to bed.


Today's Random Google Query: respect stone bear
Luther Standing Bear
Ten Commandments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Star Spider Dancing


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