Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hamsterwheel of misfortune

I feel like I am always behind, always working 110% to break even somehow. Maybe its because when we are born we are the product of much energy and hard work (ask any pregnant women what I'm talking about) but faced with a life of increasing entropy, and ubiquitous bygones. You can run, but eventually you have to stop to get a drink of water... and everytime you stop, inevitability creeps a little closer. The gap will always close in the end.

As a kid growing up when I would get stressed or anxiety ridden over some micro-disaster my dad would always ask me: "Is there anything you can do about it right now?" and if the answer was no, he would simply reply "Then don't worry about it till you can."... but if the answer was YES, he tell me to get off my ass and do something.

This advice has probably been the single most valuable advice I have ever recieved from anybody, (especially seeing as how I chose a career of living on the leading edge of reality, where sci-fi sometimes feels more real than my actual life and demands are not always clear... or possible). So, to be consistent, at the very least I can provide the two missing google querries in addition to today's!!! ;-)


Late Delivery Random Google Query #1: laugh will sort
This made me laugh........... [Archive] - AV Forums
Way #21 Laughter Is Serious Business Laugh and Learn: Learning Pots and Pans: Toys ; Games

Late Delivery Random Google Query #2: loved below filled
The Wunderland Weekly News for 5/4/6
Diabella Loves Cats: Home of Kings Highway Cat Rescue - Dressed ...
1979 Loved Filled Home - MIB

Today's Random Google Query: road resolved fortune
FORTUNE: Should you wait for the PS3? - Nov. 22, 2005
Chapter VIII: Of the good fortune which the valiant don Quixote ...
Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO � Fortune Cookie


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