Thursday, June 01, 2006

Tortured stare of ignorance

Like glass, some folks can be both transparent, and dense. I suppose one could say that with ignorance, comes fragility... and in some cases, beauty. Such sinister juxtaposition of this sort appears to be our modern definition of high class, elitism, and tasteful art. To the truly ignorant, a heinieken bottle and a chihuly piece are of one. Ironically, the distinction between these two blur through circumstantial entropy: the heinieken bottle broken, and beach worn, the chihuly piece collecting dust on a museum shelf. I suppose it would follow then--to continue this akward metaphore--that only a tarnished luster or a stain of color can mute the transparency of the ignorant. Now that is beautifull.

So I urge you: grind, and stain away.

Oh, by the way...
Q: Why are turds tapered?
A: !tuhs mals t'nseod ttub ruoy os


Today's Random Google Query: sense these least
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google | Killer Betties


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