Friday, June 09, 2006

Ambien-Am I Ben or bi Amen?

I was recently prescribed Ambien to help with my increasingly difficult insomnia on top of a number of other meds including Doxepin (I am lucky to get 2 hours of sleep without significant dose of intoxicants or medication). All I have to say about ambien is: Holy Hallucination Batman! Lets just say that it brings back memories of some pretty crazy halloween parties in college which, not so ironically, I had little memory of. So After the first day of taking it I went to some sites where people post their experiences with ambien (most pharma provide sites where folks taking a particular drug can all share notes) to see if I was insane: Nope. I guess hallucinations, blackouts, sleepwalking and hypnotic episodes of doing things you wouldn't normally do (having phone/IM sex with strangers, bizarre sexual experimentation and making strange food in the nude are all scenarios that seem to come up repeatedly on the list of user-submitted side effects). For me, I just felt like the room was morphing and when I went to bed, the bed was flying around... I also kept seeing things move that were actually stationary (so I was told).

So that was the good news, the bad is that it didn't really help me sleep much, although what sleep I did get was restful.

Today's Random Google Query: voice again evil
The Moderate Voice - -
Cosmic Iguana - Voice of the Evil Doers: HOUSE APPROVES ALASKA ...


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