Monday, May 08, 2006


"I got up feeling so down
I got off being sold out
I’ve kept the movie rolling
But the story’s getting old now
I just looked in the mirror
Things aren’t looking so good
I’m looking california
And feeling minnesota"
-"Outshined", Album:Badmotorfinger, Band:Soundgarden

Again, there will be no random Google Query today (haven't recreated my setup on my new desktop). I will also add that alhtough this is an anonymous blog, I will not say anything that may incriminate any specific person, company, or entity of any kind... however, I will comment on a general observation:

A company that hires exceptional employees, ony to mandate that they work in a conventional environment, on a conventional schedual, with conventional tools and a conventional work ethic will undoubtedly (in spite of the inherent qualities of the employees) produce a very conventional product. Exceptional results come only with exceptional methodology.

Remember this next time you think about investing in the stock market.



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