Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Frayed Tendrils of Debauchery

Nervousness reins as I traverse dense, yet tenuous memmories of all the things that once made me smile. It is clumsiness, not forgetfullness, that weighs heaviest in this venture.


I see Ben Sheppard (was bassist for Seattle band 'Soundgarden') all the time in Ballard, usually hovering around all alone scoping out fresh meat at the bar. One saturday night at a Ballard bar he was sitting alone in a trench coat on a little bench near the entrance reading a magazine. He said hi to a couple of aparent acquaintances that walked in, but otherwise seemed blind to female youngins hovering about the tiny bar and seemed more interested in the magazine. It reminded me that everything is a cycle. It reminded me that after your 15minutes at the end of the day when the roll of gold leaf runs out on your way down, you still have to wipe your ass with toilet paper because just like like any monkey can tell you, poo on fingers equals poo on food. And still, no matter where you are in the cycle, life's random truths are a beautifull thing.

Oh, and for some reason this published in the Seattle PI made me laugh:
'With a tendency to stare zombielike and run into stationary objects, a new species of impaired motorist is hitting the roads -- the Ambien driver.' -STEPHANIE SAUL
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sleeping pill Ambien tied to traffic arrests

Happy Wednesday.

Today's Random Google Query: pleasant our hurt
East End: Point Pleasant Resort - Traveler Reviews - The Resort ...
Psychology and Religion | Spiritual Healing | Spiritual Direction
A Summary of Dr. Harley's Basic Concepts


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