Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Infinite persistence with minimal patience

Today I finaly succeded in installing Fedora Core 4 linux distro on a SUN V20z Server sporting two dual-core Opterons (275's) and 8GB RAM as a bioinformatics application server. I can now officially say that I fully appreciate the reservations and frustrations people have jumping onto the Linux Bandwagon, and I can also say that I'm sticking with my opinion that it is just the cost of freedom. Although I can't comment on details, (even though this is an anonymous blog), I can say that it took a lot of finessing (or finagling, depending on your technical perspective) getting a functional smp kernel loaded on this machine. In the end the thing got up and running, and I learned a bit in the process: there is a real cost to freedom, but now that the debt is payed, it feels good to be free.

NOTE: This blog is not intended to be any sort of technical resource, so if your having white screens of "life" or kernel panics with your FC4 install on a sun V20z, you best go somewhere else, as my patience has expired on this topic.

On an unrelated topic, I walk in to this greasy spoon yesterday to get a burger and there was some cheezy little band outside playing. I didn't think much of it until I got in the front door and immediately observed several extrodinarily attractive young women who were dressed in some sort of uniform (the actual Seahawk insignia escaped my attention at that moment). So of course I was shocked when almost immediately after I sat down one of them came directly over to me with a pad of paper in her hand (was she going to ask for my phone number?!?) , and then mildly dissapointed when she awkwardly stated that it was some sort of festival fundraiser and all proceeds of the lunch--consisting of: two different typs of hoagie sandwiches, either one a far cry from the delicious stale-grease flavored double bacon cheeseburger I had come there for--were going to some blah, blah, blah. I was, at that moment, faced with one of the most dificult decisions I have had to make in a long time: Do I stay and eat some crappy hoagie with a beuatifull view of a fine sampling of the Seattle SeaGals (at this point I realized who they were, and yes, they are just as smokin hot up close), or go somewhere else to get the burger I had been craving all day. So after several seconds of stalling I politely declined and explained that I really wanted a burger... only to end up eating a burrito at Taco Del Mar ten minutes later. Go figure.

Oh... and another thing:
Chrismas is getting close. All I have to say about that is that I really like hot buttered rum.

Today's Random Google Query: pay lips bed
Sex Tips For Geeks: On Being Good In Bed
Sex Tips For Hackers: On Being Good In Bed - Photo Album


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