Friday, September 05, 2008

Chrome: Microsoft and Dads get a spanking.

Anybody remember Netscape? I do. All I have to say about that, is this: payback's a bitch.

For those who don't know what I am talking about, I'm talking about "Chrome" googles new web browser. Its basically an even more extreme version of simplicity than FireFox, and for those who simply want a functional, smart, and lighting fast browser with no bull, this brilliant piece of software (currently a beta release) illustrates the addictive power of speed and elegance. Granted, if you are one of those people who don't like change... this is not the browser for you.

ON a different note: I have been reading up on WA laws regarding child support, and more importantly, the history surrounding their legislation. Apparently one aspect of current child support calculations was intended to discourage people from leaving a relationship with a child involved. This would certainly make sense if the person leaving was leaving the child behind (and especially if they made a lot of money). I am learning however, if you're the one who gets left behind without the child, the assumption is that it is due to abuse of some sort. In the case where one parent leaves with child IN SPITE OF the other parent being a good parent and wanting to be part of the child's life on a daily basis, the laws actually handicap that parent... a lot (details to come).

Note that I haven't use the words mom or dad. That's because in Washington, the laws are pretty even-steven when it comes to male/female parents. The assumptions used to architect the laws are based on a variety of christian morals, socialist dictation, the desire to encourage traditional families, and to discourage becoming a dead-beat dad. I get quotes from all sides from various studies on the social well being of kids in diefferent situations, but as a scientist, it became immediately clear after reviewing them that most of these studies are the epitomy of "soft" science--that is, "scientific" results that were derived partially based on either assumptions, or an expectation of outcome. In other words, the "science" behind the legislation is more spin doctoring than science. Either way, in theory it doesn't matter which party is mom, or which party is dad to the state (there is such a thing as dead beat moms in washington)

There's the rub. At the end of the day, it depends on the judge in that there is nothing preventing a judge to use tender-age doctrine which states that all things being "equal" mom gets custody even though the state doesn't yet officially use this (and correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears as though WA doesn't fully recognize "joint" custody). Even if both parents come to a mutual agreement that one house hold is better to live in than another for any reason, the state still processes the child support using the same calculations, which let me tell you, it doesn't matter how much money you make... if you are paying child support in Washington, you can pretty much kiss retirement, or savings for your kid's college fund goodbye (unless of course the person RECEIVING the child support is responsible enough to use it appropriately--good luck with that).

As I am not a lawyer, and do not have much experience on this topic, I don't claim to understand the stats on how often it goes one way or the other, or what types of exceptions can be made etc.... and that's why I researched more on the social history behind the legislation, which is entirely different than the legal aspects that an attorney is versed in... so if your an attourney reading this, feel free to comment.

In short, I can tell you that the state of Washington in an attempt to non-discriminatorily discourage people abandoning children (financially, or physically), has totally fucked over a dad who wants nothing more than to be with, and raise his daughter. I used to boo at those dads on tv that were protesting the legislation, thinking "those assholes, who the hell do they think they are" and here I am saying now: how the fuck did anybody let this happen? Sometimes things are definitely not what they seem.

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