Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Bellinghamster Seattleite now in orbit

In orbit, that's right. Going around in circles, getting glimpses of the beautiful catastrophes that flicker in and out of sight as I spin back to earth in a blaze of disappointing glory. I feel that my daughter gets too look up once a week and say "hi daddy" just in time for me to vanish beyond the fuzzy blue horizon, only to reappear a week later. This was the agreement, I guess. The pattern--disturbingly familiar--is trickling into every facet of my now weekly routine (a word I hate by the way). I don't like it. I suppose there is some safety and comfort in routine, but not the kind I'm looking for.

[Right: 'Think Twice"]

Summer is pretty much over in some ways, and am dissapointed that for the entire summer I did not once get to have my daughter in the place where I actually live. For that I reserve great resentment, but for now I will focus on gaining what I can in the future, for I have no use use for the past at the moment.

above: 'Rember Me'

Oh... and for some reason vasopressin/oxytocin receptor genes have just now become known in pop-media as pair bonding (or "monogamy") genes (newscientist.com,richarddawkins.net. Appearently it takes fifteen years and human application to make it interesting even though the mechanisms and observations have been understood for a while (see nature1993). I have been following studies involving oxytocin and vasopressin for about ten years (ever since I did a review paper on the female orgasm in collage--yes, i'm dead serious, and no it doesn't work as a pickup line, trust me).

Anyhow, on an more predictable random note:

Today's Random Google Query: kitchen women deep
The Women in God's Kitchen
Kitchen sink bigotry still runs deep | Independent, The (London ...
Keen Truckee - Women's Deep Lichen/Lilas price comparison


Blogger Jojo said...

'think twice' makes me want to cry...I spent half my life living on the ocean-literally...and this is why. My father has an unhealthy addiction to it as well because of moments such as this one. Thank you.

11:09 PM  

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