Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Crowded but Lonely

Above: Gently shattered
Drink up. No regrets. I'm just longing for something that vindicates the wisdom I've gained through my mistakes, misadventures, explorations and novel fascinations that have carved my acute awareness to deception. Having studied sociobiology in some form for more than ten years my awareness of biological or instinctive artifacts that are exposed in daily life--disguised as behavioral peculiarities, or personality traits--significantly devalued the concept of an individual, including myself. The idea of us being just robots with one primary goal of creating more robots that are exactly half of ourselves makes for an interesting foundation for game-theory (hence the fact that so much of sociobiology is discussed in the context of game theory). Problem is, I'm tired of playing games.

Ive done my part to contribute to the astoundingly banal process of being human. Nematodes (the worms that eat-shit and fuck themselves, literally) have as interesting lives as we do--mathematically speaking. So, what then non-mathematically speaking do we have that makes us so special? Naivety and Ignorance. If we knew and understood everything, we would really have nothing left to do but eat shit, and fuck ourselves.

Then again, now with the technological revolutions that are occurring, we seem to be headed exactly in that direction. That's funny because the conundrum is that the more we know, the less we have to do besides reproduce and consume, just like every other living thing on this planet, just like the shit-eating worms that fuck themselves.

Never give up because you can't do it. If you're going to give up, do it because you have something better to do.
Right: Own It.

"Shame on us
We knew from the start
May God have mercy on our dirty little hearts.
Shame on us
For all we have done,
and all we ever were
just zeros and ones."
--Zero Sum*, Nine Inch nails

*Side note: "Zero Sum" is a classification of games in game theory, where no matter what the outcome is, the total gains of all individuals must equal the losses. That is, for anybody to win, somebody must lose. Evolutionary biology and behaviour is generally considered a zero-sum model.

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