Friday, April 04, 2008

Got Trich?

Trichinosis, a lovely little parasite that generally gets little attention unless you count the fact that muslims and jews include the exclusion of food that can contain this as written religious doctrine. This is consistent with the idea that most religious doctrine is little more than fun little stories to help guide the naive through difficult life decisions, such as whether to eat pork or not (because if you do, you will be possessed by itchy-fever demons!). I supposed this is just like telling a small child that if she eats candy after brushing her teeth, the boogyman will take her teeth (the primary difference to the tooth fairy of course is that the boogyman doesn't leave money). Anyhow, in case my point was lost in ramble, it is this: I find it amusing that a thousand year old dietary recommendation to avoid a troublesome (but not usually fatal) parasite has led to such odd public policy (in the US, min you) as not ever including pork items (e.g., bacon, sausage etc) in prison meals due to the significant population of muslims in prisons.... (at least in washington state). I'm sorry, but anybody who abides by the no-pork rule because of their religion is to me about as autonomous as a sheep with mad cow disease.

So, wear your trichinosis infection proudly as its a badge of honor, a banner of wisdom, a flag of freedom, a statement that you, as a person can think for yourself, a master, a real leader. Of course the next step is to learn how to eat pork without actually acquiring trich. Then you'll be God.

Oh and on a different note: the "Got Milk" add with Hayden Panettiere... lets just say that I couldn't stop laughing. The add is posted below... it speaks for itself (although it might be worth mentioning that she's 18 now).

Today's Random Google Query: life added returned
YouTube - Life Mastery Scotland July 2007 - Bill returned
ABC-CLIO Serials Databases - User's Guide
Life Insurance Canada


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