Monday, April 07, 2008

Back to basics

above: l'il chemist
I gave up trying to keep an even keel, and in fact, i'm certain it broke off weeks ago. Never in my life have I felt so disappointed in everything I thought I beLIEved in. Even though its nobody's fault in most cases, it seems even my friends and family are failing me, and not so much for lack of trying, but more just that they are in no position to help. Even if they were in a position to help, I'm losing hope that anybody can really do anything that matters besides some token assits here and there. In otherwords, everything that mattered to me got shattered, and now I'm here trying to recover what I can, but this time I'm doing it all alone.

Its funny, I have friends who I would trust my life with. But one of them appears to be betraying that trust, and I fear its for the wrong reasons. I won't go into it in depth now, but it appears that without having even spoken to me, my friend has apparently sided with my ex (his wife and her are good friends) and somehow has been convinced of some pretty bad misinformation (thanks to my horribly exaggerating and [**Edited: see entry "Perspective Obfuscation"**] ex) and now won't talk to me. I thought this was odd because he hadn't even spoke to me until after he apparently decided to pass judgment. This is unfortunate, because this was my last good friend that lived in this State. Needless to say, it appears I'm more alone than I thought.

I'm grasping to one last thing to try and avoid a complete psychological train wreck, and that is photography. I'm shifting the focus (no pun intended) of this blog to be a repository of either what I consider to be good pictures in general, or just cute pictures of my daughter, or both (I distinguish these categories because often the "cute picture of daughter" category may not meet my standards for a good picture technically). So enjoy and please comment freely, as I seem not to have anybody around me who gives a flying fuck about my pictures, so even a negative comment would be appreciated. But please: There are few things that tick me off more than people who praise crap to be polite... I consider photography to be art, and I fully expect people to have opinions that I can leverage to improve my skills, but honesty is required for that, and my bullshit filter is set to max sensitivity. I'll take honest over nice any day. If you want to be nice to someone, take it to church where it belongs--reality doesn't have room for insincere niceness.
Above: Curb Navigation Meneuver, Success!

Don't break
Don't break my heart
And I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
Little girl, little girl
You should close your eyes
That blue is getting me high
And making me low
That blue is getting me high
And making me low
-"Heart Shaped Glasses", Marilyn Manson

Today's Random Google Query: over wished immediately
Birds of Prey of the World
As a newly qualified GP I do not wish to turn immediately to ...
Digg - Man Sentenced For Troubling Police Over No Birthday Wishes


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