Monday, March 31, 2008

Patience is a virtue. Right?

In almost 4 weeks, I have seen my daughter about 3 and a hlf days. Its killing me. Ialmost wish I could say I did something to deserve this, because at least then I could answer the question as to why this is happening to me. But alas, the cookie once again crumbles not in my favor and for that I am becoming resentfull.

Thing is, most of my life I always figured if I ever got in too deep or ran out of directions to go with nothing left to lose, I could just end it all and poof, problems gone. But now, the one thing in this world that means the most to me... let me rephrase, that means everything to me, is the one thing that I would hurt the most if I did that. Now, I'm really stuck. I tried to have a career and a family and found out that that wasn't possible, and noow I have to cut anchor to escape complete mental oblivion. I hope that my daughter can some day forgive me for throwing away everything I have spent the last 15 years working for, and that she will understand that no matter what, I will do whatever it takes to make sure that I am there for her and give her the best I can give. I also hope that one day she asks her mom why she did this to her dad, because I think her mom owes her an honest answer.

Today's Random Google Query: know talk words
Baby-talk show: Do you know how many words your child spoke today ...
Wikipedia talk:Words to avoid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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