Friday, June 16, 2006

Clever: Elegant, not Pretty

... that is the difference I see between being clever and witty. Something clever is usually elegant, but with wit there is an implied artistic or intelectual beauty that is inherited alongside, a personification of elegance if you will.

Title: The pilgrimage.

I have the most insane cactus (kind of aloe-ish) at my work, the edge of every leaf is lined with spines the shape, sharpness and durability of small trout hooks. I kid you not... and if your ever in my office I'll give you $50 to prove me wrong

happy friday.

Today's Random Google Query: form new either
ENROLMENT FORM New Students Each student has to enrol either ...
Either Way ATX or BTX Cases | Tom's Hardware
Kenora Daily Miner and News, Kenora, ON

Friday, June 09, 2006

Anal Waxing and English Tea

Noizy thoughts, need filter.

I have dregs of superficial sophistication burned into my perception of people I see, at work, on the street, in restaraunts... do any of them understand that their little precious world is about as sigfnificant as ecoli colonies residing in their morning fecal evacuation? Higher arts, fine dining, the opera, luxury SUVs, double shot malt soy latte and a chilled san pellegrino limonata with a twist of herbal antioxidants for their colon polyps seem to be the goal for which we are all supposed to strive, and achieve without interfering with the visionary ultra-intelects and the republican party (fuck you tim eyman, everyone saw right through your dog and pony show that reeked of sphincter pus).

There's something beautifull about death... without it, life would be worthless.

Title: Predator.

The title of this post is in reference to a conversation I overheard on the bus this morning... and I think instead of telling you what the conversation was about, I will just comment on who was having it: A young hispanic girl (about 16yo, and 300lbs) and her skinny white friend. The rest can be left to your imagination!

Oh, and on a related note: My bus actually showed up this morning. Let me elaborate: The 7:30am 132 apparently only shows up if King County Metro has an available "part-time" driver (is "part-time synonymous with "voluntary?"... I didn't think so). This means that on monring on which I have a meeting, I either have o catch the 6:50bus (just in case the 7:30 doesn't show) which, I might add also appears to be an "optional" appearence, or I have to take a cab ($36 USD). The bus is on the official schedual, and is not noted or superscripted with any "special" notes such as that it might be late, or might not ever show up. With some informal research into the matter, I have noticed a pattern: Low income neighborhoods (I live in one). These spuriously appearing bus routes are frequently observed and commented on in low income neighborhoods in seattle such as ranier valley, skyline, south park, and white center. Apparently all those those republican anti-taxpayers think that by removing public transportation from the low income neighborhoods they can somehow improve their own quality of life in the city (fuck you Tim Eyman you retarted bigot-loving asshole; I think that anal waxing conversation may have been about you!). Anyhow... that was an incoherent rant, but an honest one at least.

Today's Random Google Query: just street sleep
SHAME OF THE CITY / SACRED SLEEP / At St. Boniface, a sanctuary ...
Gridskipper, the Urban Travel Guide

Ambien-Am I Ben or bi Amen?

I was recently prescribed Ambien to help with my increasingly difficult insomnia on top of a number of other meds including Doxepin (I am lucky to get 2 hours of sleep without significant dose of intoxicants or medication). All I have to say about ambien is: Holy Hallucination Batman! Lets just say that it brings back memories of some pretty crazy halloween parties in college which, not so ironically, I had little memory of. So After the first day of taking it I went to some sites where people post their experiences with ambien (most pharma provide sites where folks taking a particular drug can all share notes) to see if I was insane: Nope. I guess hallucinations, blackouts, sleepwalking and hypnotic episodes of doing things you wouldn't normally do (having phone/IM sex with strangers, bizarre sexual experimentation and making strange food in the nude are all scenarios that seem to come up repeatedly on the list of user-submitted side effects). For me, I just felt like the room was morphing and when I went to bed, the bed was flying around... I also kept seeing things move that were actually stationary (so I was told).

So that was the good news, the bad is that it didn't really help me sleep much, although what sleep I did get was restful.

Today's Random Google Query: voice again evil
The Moderate Voice - -
Cosmic Iguana - Voice of the Evil Doers: HOUSE APPROVES ALASKA ...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Tortured stare of ignorance

Like glass, some folks can be both transparent, and dense. I suppose one could say that with ignorance, comes fragility... and in some cases, beauty. Such sinister juxtaposition of this sort appears to be our modern definition of high class, elitism, and tasteful art. To the truly ignorant, a heinieken bottle and a chihuly piece are of one. Ironically, the distinction between these two blur through circumstantial entropy: the heinieken bottle broken, and beach worn, the chihuly piece collecting dust on a museum shelf. I suppose it would follow then--to continue this akward metaphore--that only a tarnished luster or a stain of color can mute the transparency of the ignorant. Now that is beautifull.

So I urge you: grind, and stain away.

Oh, by the way...
Q: Why are turds tapered?
A: !tuhs mals t'nseod ttub ruoy os


Today's Random Google Query: sense these least
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google | Killer Betties