Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Taxation Without Representation

When I was 16 and had a job, I was irritated by the fact that I could be taxed, but couldn't vote. As I progressed through life's little lessons, I acquired the opinion that this actually made sense, because what could a 16 year old really know about politics? Besides, you don't really want a bunch of hormone-driven, idealistic and naive teens voting for your president, right?

Well, I take it back. If you prevented people from voting just because they were uneducated, bigots, or retards, then we would never have had the pleasure of having George "Dubbya" Bush in office. Come to think of it, I would hazard a guess that if all the teens who actually HAD a job--and therefore were being taxed--voted, they likely would have voted with AT LEAST a similar level of intellect and intelligence as maybe as much as a quarter of the voters in the last presidential election. I see no other way to explain how we elect a bible-thumping, retard bigot to the oval office other than having a large percentage of the voters being one themselves. Maybe letting the teens have a shot at swingin' the vote isn't such a bad idea. Besides, what better excuse to rebel against the law than taxation without representation?

anyway, thats today's rant.

Today's Random Google Query: bear wrong boy
The Wrong Way To Learn Spanish - Wikibooks
Transworld : Book Details for The Wrong Boy
An Intro to Camping by Boy the Bear


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